Mountain Shadows PTSA is in a re-building period.  In order to remain operating, Board Positions must be filled.

In years past Mountain Shadows PTSA has been able to provide the following benefits to the school and our community:

  • Fun events for students, families, and staff
  • Contribute financial support to the school and teachers
  • Provide transportation for field trips
  • Student rewards and incentives
  • Family Food Nights

The only way MSPTSA can carry on providing these benefits is if we have parent and staff involvement.

If you want to be a part of seeing these opportunities continue, please contact and let us know how you want to contribute.




Have you ever wondered, "What does it mean to 'join' the PTSA?"

Becoming a Coyote Member of our PTSA simply means you support the great work our local unit is doing and want to see it continue.

Did you know that you have a voice to vote and can share your suggestions?

When you are a part of our local unit, your opinions/concerns are welcomed to ensure we develop a plan to properly advocate for the children in our community. We have several meetings each year where you can suggest new ideas and show your support. We also welcome any suggestions to consider how they will affect the children in our community.

If you've ever wondered, "Does my membership matter?"

The answer is ABSOLUTELY! When PTA leaders go to State Legislators and Capital Hill, our numbers are what give us power to make the changes that our educators and funding deserve.

Are you required to volunteer?

While volunteering is always appreciated, it is NOT required to make an impact (both locally and nationally). Your membership not only shows your support of our local unit, but for the longest standing child advocacy program in the country.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out by email ( or in person.